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He describes the sad reality in Brazil

3 days ago


I don't quite understand what side he is, sera that he is patriotic or traitor

4 days ago


I often wonder what the world would be like without religion, racism, evil, crime, intimidation, discrimination, or extreme wealth. Is such a world possible

27 days ago


The only thing I can say is Wow, She has Balls... I really like her...

1 week ago


I found his portrayal of the Weirdo really funny...

1 week ago


I am not sure if I can say anything about this guys, it is a shame how cowards behave.

2 weeks ago


This subject is so controversial, even tho I think anyone has the right to follow their own beliefs and choose how they dress, it still poses a threat to our society, because of its meaning, and the tendency to normalize this kind of culture.

2 weeks ago


And we're in full 2024 and there's still people with that kind of ideology.

2 weeks ago


There is so much lack of humanity and compassion in this very Christian country, which is the second largest in the world

3 weeks ago


This is very interesting, how humans can be so mean at times, you let them, they will probably do it, I sincerely do not understand how in the hell churches are allowed to do many things without being considered unlawful

3 weeks ago


I came across this thread on quora that made me cry

3 weeks ago


Unfortunately, Brazilians do not prepare for the future. Today, it is even worse with all this religiosity that makes people even more stupid instead of encouraging knowledge

4 weeks ago


How creative people can be, made me laugh a lot... and What an analogy...

4 weeks ago


Where the False News comes from, how they arise... I found the answer in this video.

4 weeks ago


I dont know what to say about this These people are crazy, they spew everything that goes through their brain. Talking nonsense is the new normal in Brazil.

4 weeks ago


It is easier for Brazilian politicians to wait for it to happen again, as they probably wont be in power anymore, the people wont complain, and there will be no charge afterwards. Its a pathetic situation.

4 weeks ago


I think that really no one talks about the atrocities they have committed, and how the Japanese are seen as educated, conscious, and loving people without having any idea of what happened before and what is behind this current image.

4 weeks ago


I was thinking, how humans can be so destructive, but in the name of what? Beliefs? Ideologies? Power? Money? In the end, we all are gonna die, we have a lifespan of around 75 years, Why not make this time more bearable? Why not make it easier on ourselves?

4 weeks ago


I had to share this video, amazing how these people try to take advantage of other people when they should be doing something to help.

4 weeks ago


No matter what, humans will always find ways to discriminate against each other, this is so sad.

5 weeks ago


It is a shame what is happening in Iran, also a shame great part of the population accept that including women themselves.

5 weeks ago


Interesting Video that presents most important Operating Systems with GUI in our history

5 weeks ago



Chinese are at another level.

7 weeks ago


I am glad I have seen this video, I learnerd lot from it.

7 weeks ago


Google Gemini responses for existencial questions

7 weeks ago


Milei Golan Israeli Minister for the Advancement of Womens Advancements

7 weeks ago


You only need to listen to what Norman Finkelstein said.

7 weeks ago


It seems to me that they wont stop untill all the Palestinians are dead.

7 weeks ago


I would also like to know what one should call someone who kills 29,000 people, including 10,000 children, in less than 6 months, who are in an open-air prison of 6,000 km2, smaller than the total area of Greater So Paulo, which is 7,951 km2.

7 weeks ago


I see that people are so worried about not mentioning the word genocide that they cant see whats going on today, that carnage has to stop at any cost, it is like when two brothers are killing each other, what you would do, condemn one or another, or prevent the two from killing themselves and try to make them understand what they are doing is wrong.

7 weeks ago


Car Luckily hits Neighbor fence, normally there's a vehicle stopped there, or people walking their dogs. Also it looks like the driver was completely wasted.

7 weeks ago


Interesting how some countries are likely to have many earthquakes and volcanoes.

7 weeks ago



That must be a stressing and frustrating situation for this guy.

8 weeks ago


This is from a year ago, but still disturbing to watch.

8 weeks ago



Eating Jackfruit in syrup from a can

9 weeks ago


Morro Bay - LA Long Drive timelapse

9 weeks ago


These places are just perfect

9 weeks ago


Another beautiful Day

9 weeks ago



Another 16x Timelapse

9 weeks ago


New Years Eve arriving in Morro Bay

9 weeks ago




They do this without any concern for what people will think, how audacious and dirt.

9 weeks ago


I Had To Replace A Failing Asus Prime X470 Pro Motherboard For A X570, But The New Motherboard Is Not Accepting The Memory Module On Site 3 And 4, And I Still Don-apos,t Know What The Problem Is

10 weeks ago


2023 November 29th Rainbow On The Freeway2

10 weeks ago


Interesting view on Brazilian Oil Discoveries and Technology.

10 weeks ago


This people must not have much to do. Apparently, everything is going well in this country. People must have a lot of money and be very educated, empathetic, and tolerant. In this country, the HDI must be very high and there should be no violence, as they must have already solved all their problems to be concerned about what others wear.

10 weeks ago


Latest News From Brazil E From the World, About Politics, Economics, Employment, Education, Saude, Environment, Technology, Science, Culture and Cars. Videos Dos Telejornais Da Tv Globo And Globonews.

10 weeks ago


Jason throws reality in the face of people who don't want to see what's right in front of them.

11 weeks ago


I don't know exactly what to say about this.

11 weeks ago


and the massacre continues, is it too hard to see it? it is crystal clear right in front of our faces, are they going to annihilate 2 million people? is that the plan?

11 weeks ago



So much pain, so much suffering, over what? a piece of land? Religion? Faith? Power?

11 weeks ago


That is crazy, at some other places that would be considered excessive use of force, specially because they are armed with heavy weaponry and the criminal or accomplice is a kid.

11 weeks ago


It looks like it's not an isolated situation: The officer, with the rank of lieutenant, was attacked by several Palestinian women who celebrated the arrest of the youth, who belongs to the 'Shawawreh' clan, which organizes protests against the road closure in Qaddum in the West Bank every week. In the documentation published by the Palestinians, the officer can be seen responding with restraint. The army stated that he acted appropriately.

11 weeks ago



These people are very unfortunate to be born in this environment, they are born and spend their entire life with all this hate and feelings they probably don't even know why. I hope they can change their reality and start living a more peaceful life.

11 weeks ago


First Time Making Peanut Milk On A Chefwave Milk Made Machine, Simple Fast And Reliable.

11 weeks ago


This is total nonsense...How the world allowed the situation get to this point?

12 weeks ago


These people are like us, where can they go, they are trapped, can't anyone stop this massacre, can't anyone see?

12 weeks ago


The power of destruction of humans is amazing...So many lives are lost, for causes that are not even worth it. That is insane. There is no excuse for all of this violence.

12 weeks ago


This is a really fascinating story.

12 weeks ago


Sometimes we complain we do not like certain foods, little do we know what other people have to eat in different places.

12 weeks ago


In the end, in this world in which we live, there are many evil people who only serve to destroy what others have built, who feel fulfilled when they see others suffering and being tortured. Perhaps there really is good and evil, as mystical books say, but good and evil are really within us.

12 weeks ago


As early as the 1930s onwards, dozens of priests become Nazis. The Vatican will let it happen. The church will even make a pact with the Fuhrer by signing an international agreement. 'In the name of the Father, of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, Heil Hitler'... 'Adolf Hitler, like our prophet Jesus Christ' German Catholics, like other Germans, were officially allowed to join the Nazi Party on March 28, 1933, or at any other time during the Nazi regime. Many believers didn't wait for a message from Pius XII, they acted on their own conscience, refering to more than 4000 Jews hidden in convents and monasteries. Bacause Pius XII didn't speak up against Nazism, other catholics chose the dark side.

12 weeks ago


This part of history mostly untold in the western schools is something people should keep in mind before starting or going for war nowadays.

12 weeks ago


Hitler defended his loyal aide and longtime friend Rohm against accusations of homosexuality untill 1934 when he order his execution and his 300 men (some of whom were also homosexual) pressured by army

12 weeks ago


What is really interesting is the fact that there are so many signs about Ukranian strong proximity to nazi's ideology and people still see it as if nothing exists.

12 weeks ago


Very Sad to see the struggle they have to face daily and we still have the audacity to complain of our simple problems.

12 weeks ago


The tentacles of the Catholic Church are amazing.

12 weeks ago


It is a disgrace people with this level of ignorance being in the Presidence of the CearĂ¡ Chamber.

1 year ago


One interesting fact is that the government started to change their mind when they realized people were watching foreign broadcast...

1 year ago


This is cool information, in reality there are many things we are yet to know...

1 year ago


This is interesting, we see companies creating stuff like this today as if it was super new ultra creative tech...

1 year ago


That is very sad and stupid that lack of care with the air we breath that is essential for our living...

1 year ago


How these people can be so hypocritical and continue to have the support of the people and their faithful. That's why this country goes back instead of going forward. It's sad that relationship.

1 year ago


Our God is a vengeful God.

1 year ago


I cannot understant what people are thinking all seems nonsensical to me.

1 year ago


I used to watch this tv series when I was young - Ark II is a children's science fiction series produced by Filmation and broadcast on CBS in 1976. The year is 2476 and Earth has become a biological wasteland. Roaming the scorched land aboard their futuristic vehicle, the Ark II, three young scientists and their extraordinary companion work to bring the hope of a new future to mankind.

1 year ago


Interesting statement from President Lula. I don't understand how people can't comprehend this.

1 year ago


What happens to these people? people are getting more and more nonsensical, it is difficult to tolerate this kind of behavior... I would have called the police and that lady would have to answer somehow.

1 year ago


I found it very interesting these lines: The form of law operates to guarantee private property. As long as a human being is in prison this is the passing of society. The right holds. We live in a barbara society. The logic of the drug eh the logic of the capital. In a society that would otherwise organize itself, it would not need to have the whole life device organized in that sense.

1 year ago


I have no words to express my contempt for this kind of people, and pity for those who follow or defend them

1 year ago


2023 and we are still dealing with situations like this

1 year ago


As they say, history is written by the winners, or Not in this case.

1 year ago


Seen from our perspective it sounds like people from other times in history had no clue

1 year ago


The more I learn more about history the more disgusted I get about human kind...

1 year ago


What contempt I have for these people who resort to violence to solve problems without any civility. It must be because their parents are similar, after all, like father, like son.

1 year ago


It's incredible but I agree on gender number and degree... Years ago I don't know what my reaction would be... How we change our understanding of things in life over the years. .

1 year ago


There's a lot of crazy people loose by aih, these people have to be excluded from society, stuck for all the time they have left of life...

2 years ago


The worst part is that I know people who fit into this category... I don't understand how someone can watch this video and still be deceived.

2 years ago


That's the face. We need more people like that in this world. .

2 years ago


Very blablabla of these people, at the time of tightening, only remains to lament...and Then say it was God's choice...

2 years ago


That boy is brave enough. You've spoken all of a percent21 deserves my respect. .

2 years ago


What a lack of discernment of this people, they believe in God but do not know him.

2 years ago


Pure truth, these people are crazy, has no no nocao, is lost and no map... eh revolting. .

2 years ago
