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Google Gemini responses for existencial questions

Google Gemini responses for existencial questions
Google Gemini responses for existencial questions:

Is there any proof spirits exist?
Unfortunately, there is no scientific proof that spirits exist. In fact, the overwhelming consensus within the scientific community is that spirits are highly unlikely to exist. 

Is there any proof the big bang ever happened?
The Big Bang isn't considered "proven" in the same way you might prove a mathematical theorem.

Are there any proof there are other dimensions?
Unfortunately, there isn't any absolute proof of other dimensions in the way we typically think of them.

Is there any proof someone can go back in time?
Unfortunately, there isn't any scientific proof that anyone has gone back in time.

Is there any proof someone can predict the future?
Predicting the future with absolute certainty is not possible, and there's no definitive proof that anyone can do it consistently.

Is there any scientific evidence that proofs the existence of any divinity?
Unfortunately, there is no scientific evidence in the traditional sense that proves the existence of any divinity. Science, by its very nature, relies on observable and measurable data, and the concept of divinity often transcends the physical world and resides in the realm of faith and personal belief.

Are miracles possible or proven?
Miracles, as traditionally defined in religious and spiritual contexts, involve divine or supernatural interventions that go against the natural laws of the universe. However, according to science, natural phenomena can be explained by natural laws, which are consistent, objective, and universal. Therefore, miracles are not considered possible or plausible from a scientific standpoint.

Are aliens a real, or even seen, or prossible?
Aliens - no definitive proof yet, but science suggests possibility and actively searches for them. The universe is vast, and the question remains thrillingly open.

Where humans came from?
Humans originated in Africa around 200,000 years ago and gradually migrated out, eventually populating the whole world!

How the first known life was ever created on earth?
We don't know for sure how the first life appeared, but scientists think it likely started near deep-sea vents or with the help of clay minerals or RNA - the mystery continues!

Is astral travel real? can it be proven?
Unfortunately, there is no scientific proof to support the existence of astral travel as commonly understood. It remains a topic of philosophical debate and personal belief, lacking the kind of evidence required for scientific confirmation.
Claudio S (78) 2024-02-14 01:27:14